Felix Putzenlechner

Photographer. Creative Director. Traveller.


Do not hesitate to contact if you have some project in mind. 

Hi, I am Felix – Photographer, Creative Director, Traveller, and a keen admirer of beauty and nature. My incredible passion for photography has continually driven me to achieve the best results for my clients. I believe it is my job to sell their businesses and brands and also capture remarkable moments for individuals with my camera. Working with these people have been one of the greatest gift life has given to me. However, the most rewarding lies between the moments of capturing time and seeing clients marvel at the results.

I am proficient and dedicated to proffering high-quality, unwavering photography services. Photography is both a passion and a hobby for me, as it challenges my zest for creativity.

Our Clients. 

– Triebwerk. – Flyers Junior Capitals. – MC Nosi. – SC Wiener Neustadt

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook or say hi at mail@photografelix.com

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